An invitation by your employer to a disciplinary meeting can be a daunting prospect.
As an employee, it is important to understand your basic rights:
1. Reasonable notice must be given, particularly if you want to seek legal advice.
2. A support person and/or legal representative can ( and should attend ) attend.
3. An agenda must be provided which gives sufficient detail as to what will be discussed and why.
4. A real and reasonable opportunity to answer questions and explain actions must be available.
5. A clear understanding about possible consequences and next steps should be provided.
You are entitled to all material that your employer uses in making a decision, whether that information becomes available prior to or after the disciplinary meeting.
If an investigation is to continue, you ought to be given an opportunity to comment on any additional information obtained. A decision reached by your employer should be communicated in writing.
If your employer makes a finding which may result in a consequence to you as an employee, such as a warning or dismissal, you must be given an opportunity to comment on that potential consequence.
Should your employer terminate your employment or you do not wish to continue working with your employer you do have various options and we encourage you to seek legal advice.
For more information on how we can assist you in preparing for a disciplinary meeting or discussing the outcome of any disciplinary meeting please contact one of the members of TODD & WALKER Law’s specialist Employment Law team on [email protected] or phone 03 441 2746